Reevy Hill Primary School

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Nursery Red, Yellow and Green Ladybirds.

Welcome to Nursery!

We are so excited to welcome you to our Nursery. Starting Nursery is a really big step for you and your child and for many it's the first time that your child has had any time away from their family.

At Woodside Academy we will do all that we can to make this transition as smooth as possible.

Over the first few weeks we are staggering our entry to allow time to get to know all of the children and ensure they are feeling settled, which is our number one priority.

We hope you enjoy exploring our page and seeing all the fun and exciting opportunities we provide through a wide range of play based  learning in our indoor and outdoor environments. 

We currently offer all children, of Nursery age, 15 hours per week, through morning or afternoon sessions. Our morning session runs from 8:40am – 11:45am and our afternoon session runs from 12:15pm – 3:15pm. Working parents who meet the governments criteria could be entitled to an extra 15 hours of free childcare under the 30 hours free childcare funding. More information on this can be found here: Children who do qualify for this would complete a full day at school, from 8:40am – 3:15pm.

Click on the link below to take a virtual tour around the nursery learning environment:

Our Nursery Team



Miss Smith


Yellow Ladybird Keyworker


Mrs Thrippleton

Nursery Nurse

Green Ladybird Keyworker


Mrs Jordan

Teaching Assistant

Red Ladybird Keyworker


Miss Bairstow

Nursery Nurse

Green Ladybird Keyworker


Autumn 1- All about me/ The World Around Us

Autumn 2- Festivals and Celebrations

Spring 1- Under the sea/ Habitats

Spring 2- New Life/ Growth

Summer 1- Food

Summer 2- Summer holidays and Fun

Please find attached an overview of what your child will be learning each half term.


At Woodside Academy we firmly believe that broadening the experience of our children is vital for enhancing their learning!


Below is an outline of the experiences we have planned for this year.

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Walk in the local area.

Life Caravan

Chinese New Year parade.

Picnic in the woods.

Food Tasting- different cultures.

End of year reward trip.


Each week the children take part in English lessons which are based around a key text. In class we also enjoy daily just listen time. Below are the stories that Nursery  have studied during English and listened to in the just listen sessions.

On Wednesday the children take home a library book and return it on the following Wednesday.

We follow the Little Wandle Foundation for phonics scheme. Throughout the week the children take part in guided reading sessions to promote the love of reading. 

Core Stories Autumn 1

Core Stories Autumn 2

Core Stories Spring 1

Core Stories Spring 2

Core Stories Summer 1

Core Stories Summer 2

Parental Engagement

Involvement in your child’s learning is actively promoted at Woodside Academy. In Reception, each half term parents and carers are invited to open mornings where you will have the chance to ‘stay and play’ with your child, find out about their learning and complete fun activities with them. Staff will also be available to answer any questions you may have.

MarvellousMe tells you about the wonderful things that your child is learning, and pings you when they’ve been praised for good work, a great character skill, or received school rewards. It makes you smile, feel proud, and inspires better home learning support and encouragement. Plus, it helps you to stay on top of homework, events and other school tasks.

Indoor Learning

Outdoor Learning

Contacting the teacher:

We appreciate your support with your child's learning.  If you have any questions, please email:

