Reevy Hill Primary School

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Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium Statement


Woodside Academy is whole heartedly committed to ensuring that all pupils regardless of economic status are provided with equal educational opportunities and support to ensure expected or above progress is made. The targeted and strategic use of Pupil Premium will support us in achieving our vision. We will do this via the following:

  • Ensuring that teaching and learning opportunities meet the needs of all of the pupils providing them with an excellent education
  • Where expected progress is not being made, making available a range of appropriate interventions to close progress gaps
  • Offering a number of enrichment and engaging activities to raise aspiration and foster a positive attitude towards learning
  • Allocating Pupil Premium funding following a needs analysis


Identified key barriers our disadvantaged children face


  • Social, emotional and mental health needs that impact on learning and development
  • Lower attendance than their peers reducing the impact of learning
  • Historical gaps in learning that require addressing so children can access the curriculum and achieve as well as their peers
  • Less advanced early development; particularly with regard to speech, language and social skills that impact their future years
  • Limited engagement of some parents/carers in children’s learning and the wider academy life and opportunities on offer
  • Less opportunities outside of school for enrichment activities such as trips and music tuition
  • Challenging out of school environments/situations that mean children are less ready to learn when in school
  • Lack of equipment and uniform that promotes a feeling of being disadvantaged

