Reevy Hill Primary School

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Year 4 Deer and Fox

Welcome to Year 4!

In Year Four we aim to enhance children's learning through developing their determination, perseverance and enthusiasm.


Our class teacher in Deer class is Mr Rothery and our class teacher in Fox class is Miss O'Connor. We are also very lucky to be supported by Mrs Godeau and Mrs Smith.


In Year Four the subjects we teach are:

  • Writing
  • SPAG (Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar)
  • Maths 
  • Reading 
  • PE
  • History / Geography (alternated half termly)
  • Art / DT (alternated half termly)
  • Science
  • PSHE 
  • Computing 
  • RE
  • Music
  • Spanish

Some children will also engage in Little Wandle Rapid Catch-up sessions to support them in their phonetic ability. 



At Woodside Academy we encourage further experiences to deepen children's learning and broaden their understanding. Within Year 4, we link trips to our current learning through providing opportunities such as a Roman day visitor, Sublime Science workshop and First Aid Flat Stanley Workshop. We believe these help promote children's love for learning and build on their current understanding.


Below is an outline of the experiences we have planned for this year.

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2


Flat Stanley Workshop


Sublime Science

Roman Day Visitor 

Imagine That! Science Museum


Visit to local Gurdwara


At Woodside Academy, we are keen to promote children's love for reading through developing their reading skills and encouraging a passion to find out more about our World. We support children in reading a range of text types to ensure they enhance their ability to become a confident and well-rounded reader.


Reading Championships

We continue to be impressed with the amount of reading children are doing at home. We are now going to include books of choice onto the reading championship. Any book that a child reads at home, (reading book, library book, book of interest) can be added onto your child’s yellow card. This will then be added to their reading championship tally.


Contacting the teachers:

We appreciate your support with your child's learning.  If you have any questions, please email:

We will respond to your message within five working days. 



Important information:

We have PE and kickboxing every Wednesday.  On Wednesdays, your child can wear their PE kit to school and their school jumper/cardigan.

Please ensure that long hair is tied back. 

Homework will be given out on a Monday. There will be spelling, reading and maths homework. Children will have one week to complete their homework and this will be marked as a class.

Multiplication Check (MTC)


In Year 4, there is an important government assessment called the Multiplication Check (MTC). This tests the children's knowledge of all the timetables up to 12x12. It includes 25 mixed timetable questions and the children have 6 seconds to answer each question. 

What is your child learning this half term?


Medium Terms Plans and Overview Sheet 

