Reevy Hill Primary School

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School Values

School Vision


To provide life changing education for all children and the community we serve at Woodside Academy.




High Expectations


Strategic Vision 2022-25

  • We will achieve consistently excellent teaching and learning in every learning space, everyday.
  • We will equip all of our children to be confident, resilient learners, who are ready for the next stage of their learning and life.
  • We will build a resilient and sustainable organisation.

Parent Pledge 

If you send your child to Woodside Academy, we will make it our mission for them to become a fluent reader by the age of seven. If your child is behind in their learning, we will provide evidenced based support so that they can catch up quickly. We will ensure that we communicate any support with you and fully engage you in your child's education. Your child will receive a broad and balanced curriculum to ensure they are equipped with the skills and knowledge which will enable them to reach their full potential in the future. We will also teach your child about life skills and the importance of having high aspirations for their own future. 

