Promoting Fundamental British Values
In accordance with The Department for Education we aim to actively promote British values in schools to ensure young people leave school prepared for life in modern Britain.
At Woodside Academy we recognise the importance of preparing children for life in modern Britain and upholding the fundamental British values that make our country so great. The education of British values is weaved throughout the topics of our curriculum as well as being discreetly taught through the SCARF scheme of work, assemblies and RE lessons. This page includes just some examples of where we exhibit those values during a child’s time at our Academy.
The Key Values are:
Children are involved in democratic processes e.g. voting for school councillors.
The school council adheres to democratic processes and visits the Houses of Parliament in London every year as part of exploring how democracy works in Britain.
Children are involved in the decision making of the Academy e.g. uniform, pupil surveys and class votes.
Children are taught about the UN convention on the Rights of the Child.
The Rule of Law
Explicitly taught through our curriculum topics.
RE and SMSC lessons demonstrate the freedom to choose a faith is protected by law.
Children respect our Relationships and Behaviour Policy and understand the sanctions and enjoy the celebrations of those who have done well such as through merits or pupil of the week.
Our local PCSO visits the children in classes and our assemblies.
Individual Liberty
Children have key roles such as assembly monitors, playground buddies and reading mentors.
Children are encouraged to make choices and are given a safe environment to explore the choices they can make e.g. through SCARF lessons including e-safety lessons.
Children are taught about ambition, aspiration and how to keep themselves safe.
Mutual Respect
The Academy mission and values place respect at the centre of our ethos.
All staff model the behaviour they expect of the children in their relationships with each other.
Sports coaches reinforce our culture of fairness and respect.
Tolerance of those of different faiths and beliefs
Children visit a variety of places of worship throughout their time in the Academy e.g. churches, temples, synagogues and mosques.
Our RE curriculum looks in depth at a broad range of faiths, religion and cultures.
Assemblies are used to explore different faiths and beliefs as well as through RE lessons, faith and cultural celebrations and visitors in school.