Reevy Hill Primary School

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Year 3 Badger and Otter

Hello! Welcome to Year 3!


In Year Three, we strive to teach our pupils to develop their independence, resilience and confidence in all aspects of learning and life skills.


Children in Year Three build on their learning from Key Stage One through practical tasks, hands on learning and a variety of evidence in

their books.


In Year Three the subjects we teach are:





-History/Geography( alternated half-termly)

-Art/D.T ( alternated  half-termly)





-Music including learning how to play a musical instrument







We are passionate about teaching reading at Woodside Academy and have a wide range of opportunities for children to grow their love for reading. We have daily reading lessons, as well as just listen time and opportunities for independent reading. The children are lucky to have weekly access to a fantastic library, with hundreds of books for all interests and reading abilities. 


Above, you can see the stories that we will be reading this year.



At Woodside Academy we firmly believe that broadening the experience of our children is vital for enhancing their learning!


Over the course of the year we like to go on as many trips as we can and take part in workshops within the school environment. In Year 3, we will go to Malham (geography), visit a Synagogue (RE) and an end of year educational visit. 


Linking Schools:

In Year 3 we are lucky to be partnered with Westbourne Primary School as part of a linking schools programmeThrough the year, our two schools will write to one another, play some games as classes in shared online lessons and send photographs, mini videos, pieces of artwork and poetry. Once they have got to know each other at a distance, they will then be meeting up face to face, later on in the school year. 



Our teacher in Badger Class is Mr Vaux. We are very lucky to be supported by Mrs Beasley.

Our teacher in Otter Class is Miss Green. We are very lucky to be supported by Miss Browne & Miss Phillips.


Important information:


We have PE every Monday and Wednesday. Please ensure your child has a kit in school and that long hair is tied back.


Library books are changed every Wednesday.


Little Wandle reading books are changed every Friday.

Chapter books are changed on a Friday, every two weeks.

Please try to read with your child as often as possible and sign this in their reading record.


We send homework out every Friday with the expectation that it is returned the following Thursday.


