Reevy Hill Primary School

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Reception Brown Rabbit

Welcome to Reception

In Reception we love to learn through play! This means you will often see us engaging in challenges, role play, hands on cooking, art projects, science experiments and much more. We learn through a careful balance of child-initiated play and adult directed activities. Staff encourage children to follow their own interests and explore their own ideas in play, whilst extending and supporting their learning. Running alongside this, we have an overarching topic each half term. See below photographs of the current Reception class and the teaching staff.


The staff in Reception Class are:

Mrs A Darbyshire 

Miss L Smith 

Mrs F Jordan

Mrs K Greenwood  

Mrs C Glen


Click on the link below to take a virtual tour around the Reception learning environment:

Our Topics:

Each half term we link our learning to a overarching topic. The topics covered over the course of the year are:


Autumn 1 - Journeys


Autumn 2 - Families and Celebrations


Spring 1 - Space


Spring 2 - New Life and Growth


Summer 1 - Julia Donaldson


Summer 2 - Summer Holidays

Children in the EYFS learn by playing and exploring, being active, and through creative and critical thinking which all take place both indoors and outdoors. The curriculum for early years is made up of seven areas of learning; Communication and Language, Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Physical Development, Literacy, Mathematics, Understanding the World and Expressive Arts and Design. All of these areas of learning and development are equally important and inter-connected. By the end of their Reception year, it is expected that children reach the Early Learning Goal (ELG) for each of these aspects.


At Woodside Academy we firmly believe that broadening the experience of our children is vital for enhancing their learning! Over the course of the year we like to go on as many trips as we can, to places we may not have been before. 


Below is an outline of the experiences we have planned for this year.

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Walk in the local area.

Visit to a

local church at Christmas time

Chinese food tasting

Spring walk to Harold Park


Hatching Chicks

Trip to SeaLife Centre Trafford

End of year reward trip – Bridlington



In Reception reading is at the heart of everything we do. Over the course of the year your child will take part in daily phonics sessions which will contribute to them learning to read independently. As a school, we follow the Little Wandle programme for phonics. We are passionate about teaching early reading skills which opens opportunities for children to achieve well in all areas of the curriculum.


Each child has a reading book which is matched with their current phonic stage. As well as the book we have been reading during Little Wandle sessions children also select a library book to develop a pleasure of stories. This can be enjoyed as a family at any time of the day. 



Each week the children take part in English lessons which are based around a key text. In class we also enjoy daily just listen time. Below are the stories that Reception have studied during English and listened to in the just listen sessions.

Parental Engagement

Involvement in your child’s learning is actively promoted at Woodside Academy. In Reception, each half term parents and carers are invited to open mornings where you will have the chance to ‘stay and play’ with your child, find out about their learning and complete fun activities with them. Staff will also be available to answer any questions you may have.

MarvellousMe tells you about the wonderful things that your child is learning, and pings you when they’ve been praised for good work, a great character skill, or received school rewards. It makes you smile, feel proud, and inspires better home learning support and encouragement. Plus, it helps you to stay on top of homework, events and other school tasks.

We value your contributions and love to hear about all the things they have been learning at home.  Please keep sharing these observations with us. You can do this by completing a ‘Proud Moment’ postcard, which are always available. Please just ask and we will be happy to give you them whenever you would like one. On the ‘Proud Moment’ postcard you can write anything that your child has done at home which makes you proud or happy. This could include learning to zip up their coat, riding their bike, or reading by themselves.

Contacting the teachers:

We appreciate your support with your child's learning.  If you have any questions, please email:

We will respond to your message within five working days. 


  • In Reception class we have PE every Monday. Please ensure your child has a kit in school, including pumps and that long hair is tied back. 


Indoor Learning

Outdoor Learning

Useful Websites

Below are some links to websites which may be useful when supporting your child’s learning at home…


Phonics and Reading (parent guidance) (phonic games) (tricky word song)



The websites below have a selection of fun number and shape, space and measure games your child can play at home.


